

M'Beth Schoenfeld's hand-folded paper sculptures transform two-dimensional relief patterns into stunning three-dimensional works of art. Despite using an ordinary and ubiquitous material, Schoenfeld creates intricate and surprising sculptures that captivate viewers.

Schoenfeld's work challenges our preconceived notions of everyday objects, encouraging us to rediscover the joy of seeing. Her carefully designed relief patterns rely on texture, shadow, and light to create graceful 3-D forms, with some sculptures even using cinetism to create the illusion of movement.

As an artist with advanced degrees in Engineering and a background in architecture, Schoenfeld's paper relief sculptures are precise, disciplined, and elegant. The meditative quality of her work reflects the implied patience required for the intricate folding process, creating a sense of calm for viewers.

Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Schoenfeld continues to explore the possibilities of paper as a medium for artistic expression.